Building Direct Mail Capability for Better Supporter Experiences

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Although Direct Mail continues to be the dominant channel for supporter communications, very few charities have the capability to deliver experiences through this channel that match up to their Supporter Experience ambition.


A Sector on the Brink of Transformation

In 2023 our Supporter Experience research report indicated a sector brimming with potential. There was senior buy-in, major investment and a palpable sense of momentum. The vision for improved Supporter Experiences was clear and there seemed to be a high level of commitment.


The Reality Check

Fast forward to 2024 and the landscape appears more challenging. Our latest report Meeting Audience Needs in the Critical DM Channel highlights a significant gap between the vision for Supporter Experiences and the current capabilities of many organisations. Despite enthusiasm and investment, several obstacles hinder progress.


Only a quarter of organisations surveyed said that their ways of working are designed with supporter strategy in mind, a statistic that underscores the urgent need for change.


The Data Challenge

Data issues remain a common blocker. Many teams are operating at full capacity. Just one in four organisations has access to data insight to inform and continuously improve Supporter Experience. Campaign data availability is also a problem for many.


The Wave of New CRM Technology

Technology is still seen as a key enabler, but the implementation of new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems has yielded mixed results. Essential foundational capabilities related to data, tools and ways of working are still problematic, making it difficult for teams to adopt a truly supporter-led approach.


Financial Pressures

The financial context adds another layer of complexity. Budget pressures mean there's less time and resources to invest in long-term change initiatives. This creates a Catch-22 situation: teams are stretched thin, leaving little room to streamline and improve internal processes.


Moving Forward: Learning from Other Sectors

So, how can charities break this cycle and move forward? Insights from other sectors show that focusing on Customer Experience (CX) delivers competitive advantage. For charities, a better Supporter Experience is not just a 'nice to have' - it's business critical. However, making the case for further investment in change is challenging, especially when progress is difficult to measure and significant sums have already been spent on new CRM technology.


Unlocking Value Through Collaboration

While investment in technology is a positive step, it must be complemented by efforts to improve people, data and processes. Fundraisers need to become 'good customers' of their data and tech colleagues, clearly articulating the requirements and sharing the context of their needs.


Aligning experts from data, IT, Operations and Fundraising around the Supporter Experience challenge can lead to much faster progress. A practical first step is to work together to map out capabilities against the Supporter Experience vision.


The Path to Progress

Many teams are experiencing challenging times, dealing with significant change. However, by focusing on supporter-led strategies and fostering collaboration, charities can begin to bridge the gap between vision and capability. Investing in the right areas and ensuring that technology implementations are supported by process and people changes will be crucial.


While the journey to enhance direct mail capabilities in the charity sector has its challenges there is a clear path forward. By leveraging lessons from other sectors, fostering internal collaboration and maintaining a supporter-centric approach, charities can overcome these hurdles and deliver excellent experiences for their supporters.


If you would like to discuss improving Supporter Experience in your organisation, please get in touch.